Content Development

Inform, engage, and inspire your audience.

Content remains the most powerful way to deliver messages, tell stories, and inspire thoughts and actions. For businesses, content plays a critical role as it is the basis of all outgoing communications. Through content, businesses can reflect their identity, perspective, expertise, and voice. Using content, businesses can explain their products and services and sell to their target audience. Creating unique, engaging and valuable content is core for every business and it continues to gain importance with the shifts in market dynamics and customer behaviours.

Content Creation for Businesses

Content creation can help your business establish credibility and earn its way to the target market. There are many types of content that your business can create and leverage to make a difference:


Website Content

Content for the Company’s Websites, Employee / Partner / Client Portals, Applications, etc.


Collateral Content

Content for Company and Products Brochures, Data Sheets, Fact Sheets, Slide Decks, etc.


Marketing Content

Content for Social Media, Email Campaigns, Blog Posts, Advertising, Infographics, Video, etc.


Media and PR Content

Content for Press Releases, Media Kits, Editorials, etc.


Publishing Content

Content for Case Studies, Success Stories, Research, Magazines, Books, etc.


Guides and Documentation

Technical Content for White Papers, User Guides, Product Documentation, etc.

Content Creation Services

We recommend for content creation to be an internal process, but at the same time we understand the time and resource challenges preventing businesses from creating consistent and relevant content. As both a consultancy and an agency we can help. For businesses that have the internal resources we can help with content strategy and orchestration, and for businesses that lack the resources we can provide content creation as a service.

Our Unique Processes

With our content strategy, research and development services we employ a unique set of processes aimed at producing genuine and valuable content.

For example, in content development we do not involve all-purpose copywriters, but instead we work with writers who have real-world industry experience and are subject matter experts. They get involved in research, ideation and the development of the initial draft which then gets passed on to a senior copywriter for proofreading and style edits. Finally, it is signed off by a content strategist.

In content strategy we employ a content generation framework that maps the business value proposition and the personas of the target audience and their buying journeys.

Content Development

Our Expertise in Content Development

We started building our content capabilities very early on by working on brand content assignments with top-notch branding agencies for major brands. From there we expanded our practice and scaled it to work across different industries. In 2013 we picked up on the growing content marketing trend and continued to evolve our range of services over the years to end up focusing on content strategy and creation for B2B businesses. Currently our content development capabilities are available in English, Arabic, and French.

Our Services

Some of the services we offer in content development include:

  • Content Strategy (Information Architecture, Content Inventory, Content Audit, Competitive Analysis, User Stories, Personas, Buyer Journey, Key Messaging, Positioning Statements, Content Creation Guides, Taxonomies, Governance Models, Voice and Tone Guides, Style Guides, Content Workflows)
  • Content Software Implementation and Consulting (GatherContent, Kentico Cloud, SDL, Adobe, HubSpot, SEMrush)
  • Content Research
  • Content Development (Copywriting, Proofreading, Editing, Technical Writing)
  • Content Marketing
  • Content Translation and Localization
  • Content Design


Ready to make a difference?

Explore how content can take your business to a whole new level.

Get in touch with us today.